Perinatal Biobank of Research Centre for Natural Sciences in Budapest

Perinatal Biobank
A unique biobanking repository of pregnancy biospecimens

Our Team...
has established and is building a unique biobank of perinatal biospecimens, supporting advances in pregnancy related biomolecular research. With great passion for science, we have the mission to collect and archive high quality biospecimens to support the perinatal research community worldwide for the improvement of maternal and fetal health.
The Perinatal Biobank...
was created and is developing with the needs of scientists in mind to support various research avenues in perinatology and obstetrics.
Our Repository...
archives biospecimes collected from thousands of patients in accordance will the industrial biobanking standards and all relevant regulations. Our biobanking facility provides a professional and compliant storage capacity for up to 200,000 biological samples including serum, plasma, urine and tissue samples.

The Systems Biology of Reproduction Research Group...
studies the obstetrical, biological, immunological, pathological and systems biological aspects of the ‘Great Obstetrical Syndromes’. The importance of the topic is supported by the fact that 50-70% of all conceptions and 15-20% of clinically recognized pregnancies end with miscarriage, and 25% of pregnant women will have obstetrical syndromes that may have severe impact on the health of both mother and child.
Our research group studies and characterizes signal transduction pathways that may play key role in the development of miscarriages and obstetrical syndromes.The focus is on the systems biological investigation of the complex and overlapping dysregulation of maternal-fetal immuntolerance, trophoblast invasion and differentiation. Besides describing molecular pathways and signaling networks of pregnancy complications, our investigations may also reveal novel biomarkers and drug targets to support early prevention and personalized care in pregnancy.

Teaching activity
Postgradual training:
Chapters from the immunobiology of pregnancy
(@ Semmelweis University) -
The systems biological view of the immunology of pregnancy
(@ Eötvös Loránd University)
PhD topic:
Pathomechanisms,early prediction and diagnosis of the Great Obstetrical Syndromes (@ Semmelweis University, Clinical Medicine Doctoral School)
The Research Centre for Natural Sciences...

hosts our research team and the Perinatal Biobank. Our prestigious institution supports multidisciplinary, innovative research activities in health sciences with its 250 world-class laboratories. RCNS hosts 500 researchers, 250 with PhD degree, whose focus area include medical, biological, chemical, pharmacological, cognitive neuroscience and psychological research.
The Perinatal Biobank is perfectly suited into this multidisciplinary environment and is a perfect complement and a significant contribution to the high-end infrastructure of our host institution.

Research Centre for Natural Sciences
Magyar tudósok körútja 2.
1117 Budapest, Hungary

Contact us
We welcome all inquiries from researchers in the perinatal field who are interested in collaborative research using our unique sample collection.
Phone: +36 1 382 6675